
The EventSubscription object represents a unique event subscription within the Carvoyant system. The user may subscribe to an event that will deliver an EventNotification to the defined postURL when vehicle data has reached the specified criteria. In order to create an EventSubscription, all required fields for the specific event “_type” must be delivered in the body of the HTTP POST request. Required fields, resource URIs, and examples for the supported event types can be found in this documents children.

The Event model that we have implemented is based off of the Evented API Spec. This is a generic specification that helps define the transport of API events between two systems.

See the EventType page for details on the different events that can be subscribed to.


You will only be able to interact with subscriptions that have been created with your client Id. Specifically, we will look at the access token specified in the request, determine the client Id that was authorized with that access token, and only return subscriptions for that client Id. You do not have access to subscriptions that have been created by other client Ids.

Common Properties

Property Type Description Required for Creation
id Integer The internal system identifier for this subscription. Unsupported
_type EventType The type of event being subscribed to. (In this case the _type is “LOWBATTERY”) Unsupported
creationTimestamp DateTime The time when the subscription was created. Unsupported
deletionTimestamp DateTime The time when the subscription was marked for deletion. (This value will only be returned if the event has been marked for deletion) Unsupported
minimumTime Integer The time in minutes that will determine the minimum interval between event notification creation. If the value is less than the reporting interval of the hardware, the hardware limit will be used. Required
creatorClientId String The client Id that generated this subscription. Unsupported
postUrl String The URL that will receive HTTPS POST notifications from the newly generated subscription. Note that only HTTPS endpoints are supported. The certificate protecting the post URL must be a valid signed certificate. Deprecated Use deliveries instead
postHeaders Map A map that contains any headers that should be sent to the postUrl when a notification is generated. Deprecated Use deliveries instead
notificationPeriod NotificationPeriod A string that represents when EventNotifications are sent from the Carvoyant system. All NotificationPeriod types are supported for LowBattery subscriptions. Required
deliveries Array of DeliveryType An array with the delivery types for this subscription Required

Automated Updates

We have implemented some logic to automatically update subscriptions based on responses to the notifications that are sent to them. When the Carvoyant system attempts to send a notification to a HTTP_POST delivery option, the following actions will be taken based on the response code.

  • HTTP 301 (Moved Permanently) and HTTP 308 (Permanent Redirect) - The postUrl of the delivery will be updated with the value in the Location response header. The notification will then be resent to the new postUrl.
  • HTTP 302 (Found) and HTTP 307 (Temporary Redirect) - The notification will be resent to the url specified in the Location response header but the postUrl of the delivery option will remain unchanged.
  • HTTP 4xx - We assume these are fatal errors and the delivery option will be deleted.
  • HTTP 5xx - We assume these are temporary server side errors. The current notification will not be attempted again but the delivery option will remain unchanged.

Supported Verbs

  • GET
  • POST


Returns one or more event subscriptions. By default, the first 50 results are returned.

Query Paths

  • /account/{account-id}/eventSubscription/{subscription-id}
  • /account/{account-id}/eventSubscription/{event-type}/{subscription-id}
  • /vehicle/{vehicle-id}/eventSubscription/{subscription-id}
  • /vehicle/{vehicle-id}/eventSubscription/{event-type}/{subscription-id}

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
account-id The Carvoyant identifier of the account. This is used for account level subscriptions
vehicle-id The Carvoyant identifier of the vehicle. This could be the device serial number in the car (for example, C201200001) or it could be the internal id returned from a previous lookup. This is used for vehicle level subscriptions
subscription-id The Carvoyant identifier of the subscription. If the subscription-id is not specified, then all subscriptions available will be returned.
event-type Indicates the EventType of subscriptions to be returned.

Call Options

Sortable Yes (by timestamp)
Pageable Yes (when no subscription-id is specified. Individual subscription requests are not paginated)

Sample JSON Response:

    "subscriptions": [{
        "id": 1645,
        "_type": "LOWBATTERY",
        "_timestamp": "20140911T203312+0000",
        "minimumTime": 0,
        "creatorClientId": "hasa2czfebhsj6XXXXXXXXXX",
        "vehicleId": 123,
        "postUrl": "",
        "postHeaders": {
            "Authorization": "Bearer asdfqwerzxcv",
            "X-Sample-Headers": "Some custom value"
        "notificationPeriod": "STATECHANGE"
    }, {
        "id": 1646,
        "_type": "VEHICLECONNECTED",
        "_timestamp": "20140911T203348+0000",
        "minimumTime": 0,
        "creatorClientId": "hasa2czfebhsj6XXXXXXXXXX",
        "vehicleId": 123,
        "postUrl": "",
        "postHeaders": {},
        "notificationPeriod": "INITIALSTATE"
    }, {
        "id": 1647,
        "_type": "VEHICLEDISCONNECTED",
        "_timestamp": "20140911T203408+0000",
        "minimumTime": 0,
        "creatorClientId": "hasa2czfebhsj6XXXXXXXXXX",
        "vehicleId": 123,
        "postUrl": "",
        "postHeaders": {},
        "notificationPeriod": "INITIALSTATE"
    "totalRecords": 3


Creates a subscription. The query parameters listed here are common to all EventType. In order to successfully create a subscription the body of the request must specify all required properties of the particular EventType.


Existing subscriptions cannot be updated. To “change” a subscription, you must delete the old one and create a new one.

Query Paths

  • /account/{account-id}/eventSubscription/{event-type}/
  • /vehicle/{vehicle-id}/eventSubscription/{event-type}/

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
account-id The Carvoyant identifier of the account. This is used for account level subscriptions
vehicle-id The Carvoyant identifier of the vehicle. This could be the device serial number in the car (for example, C201200001) or it could be the internal id returned from a previous lookup. This is used for vehicle level subscriptions
event-type Indicates the EventType of subscriptions to be returned.

Sample Request:

   "minimumTime": 0,
   "postUrl": "",
   "postHeaders": {
      "Authorization": "Bearer asdfqwerzxcv",
      "X-Sample-Headers": "Some custom value"
   "notificationPeriod": "CONTINUOUS"


Marks a subscription for deletion. The system will purge the subscription after a set amount of time. These are not immediately deleted because doing so would also delete the history of EventNotification s for this subscription.

Query Paths

  • /account/{account-id}/eventSubscription/{subscription-id}
  • /account/{account-id}/eventSubscription/{event-type}/{subscription-id}
  • /vehicle/{vehicle-id}/eventSubscription/{subscription-id}
  • /vehicle/{vehicle-id}/eventSubscription/{event-type}/{subscription-id}

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
account-id The Carvoyant identifier of the account. This is used for account level subscriptions
vehicle-id The Carvoyant identifier of the vehicle. This could be the device serial number in the car (for example, C201200001) or it could be the internal id returned from a previous lookup. This is used for vehicle level subscriptions
subscription-id The Carvoyant identifier of the subscription. If the subscription-id is not specified, then all subscriptions available will be returned.
event-type Indicates the EventType of subscriptions to be returned.

Sample JSON Response:

    "result": "OK",
    "totalRecords": 1,
    "actions": []