
The Vehicle object represents a unique vehicle within the Carvoyant system. All data with a drivers car/truck is associated with this object.


Property Type Description Required for Creation
name String The text representation of the vehicle type. For instance, “2010 Jeep Wrangler”. If the vehicle type is not known, the value of this property will be “Unidentified Vehicle” Unsupported
vehicleId Integer The internal system identifier for this vehicle. Unsupported
deviceId String The serial number for the Carvoyant device installed in this vehicle. Optional
vin String The Vehicle Identifier Number. Will be null if the vehicle is currently unidentified. Optional
label String A user specified short description for the vehicle. Optional
autoAssignDevice Boolean Indicates whether the system can automatically reassign devices to or from this vehicle. Defaults to true. Optional
mileage Integer The current odometer reading of the vehicle. Optional
lastWaypoint Waypoint The last known geographic location of the vehicle. Unsupported
running Boolean Whether the vehicle is currently running. Unsupported
lastRunningTimestamp DateTime The time that the vehicle was last running. Unsupported
year String The Year the vehicle was made. Unsupported
make String The make of the vehicle. Unsupported
model String The model of the vehicle. Unsupported

Supported Verbs

  • GET
  • POST


Returns one or more vehicles. By default, the first 50 results are returned.

Query Paths

  • /vehicle/
  • /vehicle/{vehicle-id}

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
vehicle-id The Carvoyant identifier of the vehicle. This could be the device serial number in the car (for example, C201200001) or it could be the internal id returned from a previous lookup. If the vehicle-id is not specified, then all vehicles available will be returned.

Call Options

Sortable No
Pageable No

Sample JSON Response:

    "vehicle": {
        "name": "1999 Jeep Wrangler",
        "vehicleId": 3,
        "deviceId": "C201200001",
        "vin": "12345678912345678",
        "label": "Custom dune buggy",
        "mileage": 159774,
        "lastWaypoint": {
            "timestamp": "20140116T152440+0000",
            "latitude": 28.088505,
            "longitude": -82.578467
        "running": false,
        "lastRunningTimestamp": "20140116T151952+0000",
        "year": "1999",
        "make": "Jeep",
        "model": "Wrangler
    "totalRecords": null,
    "actions": []


Creates or updates a vehicle.

Query Paths

  • /vehicle/
  • /vehicle/{vehicle-id}

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
vehicle-id The Carvoyant identifier of the vehicle. This could be the device serial number in the car (for example, C201200001) or it could be the internal id returned from a previous lookup. If the vehicle-id is not specified, a new vehicle will be created. If it is specified, then any vehicle fields specified in the request will be updated. Unspecified fields will remain unchanged.


Deletes the specified vehicle.


This operation is permanent! All data and configuration for the vehicle will be deleted and cannot be restored. Please ensure that the Carvoyant account owner confirms this operation before making the API call.

Query Paths

  • /vehicle/{vehicle-id}

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
vehicle-id The Carvoyant identifier of the vehicle. This could be the device serial number in the car (for example, C201200001) or it could be the internal id returned from a previous lookup.

Sample JSON Response:

    "result": "OK",
    "totalRecords": 1,
    "actions": []