Test EventSubscription

Generates an EventNotification for the specified EventSubscription. This allows you to test that your subscription is configured properly. A dummy EventNotification object will be delivered to the postUrl provided in the requested EventSubscription and as a response to this request. The dummy notification will have null values where there would normally be recorded data that triggered the event.

Supported Verbs

  • GET


Query Paths

  • test/vehicle/{vehicle-id}/eventSubscription/{subscription-id}

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
vehicle-id The Carvoyant identifier of the vehicle. This could be the device serial number in the car (for example, C201200001) or it could be the internal id returned from a previous lookup.
subscription-id The Carvoyant identifier of the subscription.

Call Options

Sortable No
Pageable No

Sample JSON Response:

   "notification": {
      "id": 1098702,
      "subscriptionId": 1645,
      "_domain": "carvoyant.com",
      "_type": "LOWBATTERY",
      "_name": "LOWBATTERY",
      "_timestamp": "20141218T211057+0000",
      "minimumTime": 0,
      "httpStatusCode": 500,
      "notificationPeriod": "STATECHANGE",
      "dataSetId": null,
      "creatorClientId": "hasa2czfebhsj6XXXXXXXXXX",
      "thresholdVoltage": 12,
      "recordedVoltage": null
   "totalRecords": 1